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E-kniha A Legend of Montrose

Walter Scott
EbookE-kniha / Ebook [epub|mobi]
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"A Legend of Montrose" is part of Scott's "Waverley" series and takes place during the English Civil War in the 1640s. Sir Dugald, one of the protagonists, gets involved into a strange and violent conflict, and through a series of vicissitudes and action-packed situations, manages to escape more serious consequences. The rest of the story revolves around a love triangle and the wars between Scottish clans. Mysterious births, political and personal intrigues, as well as memorable character developments and bizarre revelations – all this makes the novel an entertaining and compelling read for everyone.

Dostupné formátyepub|mobi
Datum vydání2021
Počet stran:111
Nakladatelství:Saga Egmont