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E-kniha Second Child: Essential Information and Wisdom to Help You Decide, Plan and Enjoy

Susan Moore
EbookE-kniha / Ebook [epub|mobi]
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From changes in workload, sibling rivalry, money and relationship issues, to health and well-being, an addition to your family raises questions, challenges and emotions. Offering a practical and reassuring guide, this book provides the tried and tested expert advice, supplemented with the voices of parents and children, to help you successfully navigate the difficult decision of welcoming a second child. A trusted companion for parents alike, feel positive, prepared and excited about your new family with \'Second Essential Information and Wisdom to Help You Decide, Plan and Enjoy\'.-

Dostupné formátyepub|mobi
Datum vydání2022
Počet stran:170
Nakladatelství:Saga Egmont